Helping Your Child Adjust to Glasses

Finding out that your child needs to wear eyeglasses can be a difficult, emotional experience for both parent and child. Parents may feel sad or upset that there is something "wrong" with their child, while many children worry that other kids will tease them, that they look weird or ugly, or that everyone will be looking at them. Glasses may feel uncomfortable and heavy, and they may fall off or get in the way when playing sports. For these reasons, many kids will resist wearing their glasses, "forgetting" to put them on or take them to school.

Here are some tips for helping a child get used to their new eyeglasses.
Let your child choose their glasses. Suggest several suitable styles, and let your child make the final selection. It's important that the child feel comfortable and confident in their new frames, since they are the ones who have to wear them.
Give your child a "breaking-in" period to adjust to wearing their glasses. Start by having them wear their glasses for short periods of time during enjoyable activities. If, after a few days, your child is still having difficulty adjusting to their glasses, ask why, and try to resolve their issues and concerns. Wearing sunglasses or even toy glasses can help a young child get a feel for wearing eyeglasses. Acknowledge to your child that it will feel weird and strange for a few weeks, but will soon become second nature.
Help your child identify with others who wear eyeglasses, such as family members, friends, or even favorite celebrities and sports stars. Show your child some of their favorite characters who wear glasses, such as Velma from Scooby Doo, Simon the chipmunk, Arthur the aardvark and Harry Potter. Let them see that it can be "cool" to wear glasses. Find toy glasses for your child's favorite doll or stuffed animal to wear. Read your child a book about glasses.
Make wearing glasses a part of the child's daily routine. Teach your child to put their glasses on first thing in the morning, and to take them off and store them in the same place each night at bedtime. Let teachers know when the child is expected to wear their glasses.
Avoid nagging a child about wearing their glasses. If your child takes their glasses off, put them back on in a firm but loving manner. Do praise them for remembering to wear their glasses.
Make sure the glasses fit properly. They should be snug, but not too tight, and should not slip or slide. If your child complains of pain behind the ears, or if you notice redness or sore patches on their nose or temples, take the glasses to be readjusted. If you are afraid your child may drop or lose their glasses while playing, consider an elastic sports band, which attach to the glasses and hold them in place.

Did your child have a hard time getting used to his or her new eyeglasses? What tricks or tips did you use to help them adjust?

Dr. Ronald J. Martin of VisionHealth Optometry focuses on quality eye care services to family members of all ages. Services include eye exams, contact lens fittings, retinal photography, pre- and post-operative care, and glasses frames and lens selection. Dr. Martin's office is located at 1440 Medical Center Dr. Suite2, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. He can be reached at 707-206-0290 or email him at Visit VisionHealth Optometry online at

Dr. Martin is a member of the California Optometric Association, the American Optometric Association, the Redwood Empire Optometric Society, and the Optometry Alumni Association of the University of California.

Do Not Fear Cataract Surgery Costs

Early cataract development can be treated in a number of ways, and cataract surgery tends to be a last resort for when vision is affected more deeply. You may have lots of questions over cataract surgery costs and what is involved. The good news is that these procedures are very safe, affordable and can greatly improve your eyesight and quality of life.

While the cataract surgery cost might be scary at first, most people will find they are covered by some form of health insurance. Each case will be different and it might depend on many factors, such as wearing glasses, and the extent to which the eye issues impact on normal life. The surgery might be deemed non-essential, for example, if you could just wear glasses instead, but if you do opt for surgery despite this, then you might be responsible for a larger portion of the cost than someone who absolutely needs it. But the best things to do would be to speak with your doctor.

Some options to consider as alternatives are highlighted below. Depending upon the full extent of the cataracts and the vision that you have, some of these alternatives can make a huge difference while in other cases they may not be of much use, and surgery may be your best bet. Talking to your doctor will help you determine the best option for you.

Eye drops

Some eye drops are now available to assist you with any cataract symptoms. These are a cheaper option to other treatments, however, there is varying information and research on their reliability and effectiveness.

Natural lens

Your natural lens is designed to manage the light flow to your eye. The lens will naturally age and can cause a condition we know as cataract. The natural lens in your eye needs to either be replaced or treated but surgery may not always be the answer.


Poor lighting will not help the eyes at all and can lead to eyestrain. Ensuring correct lighting at all times will give your eyes the best chance to work and be healthy. Shielding your eyes from bright lights and the sun is a must, but also allowing yourself some exposure to good lighting is important.


The right eyewear can help improve vision and reduce the chances of needing cataract surgery. Ensure that if you have prescribed a particular type of eyewear that you actually wear the glasses and take care of any eyewear you do have. Regular checkups are a must to ensure you are always wearing the correct eyewear, and remember that your eyesight can change over time.

Diet and lifestyle

There is some evidence to show that a diet rich in free radicals can help to prevent or slow down the development of cataracts. Antioxidant vitamins can help, look for ways to increase your intake of Vitamin C and Vitamin E, as well as beta carotene. You might look at vitamin supplements if you cannot get all the vitamins into your diet via food every day. This approach will probably work best before any symptoms arise as a preventative method, or as a way to slow down development of cataracts once you get early warning signs. It is probably a good idea to talk your doctor and maybe a nutritionist before making any changes or buying supplements.

So, as with any medical procedure or advice, you will want to do your research, ask questions, and perhaps even get a second opinion if you want, and take your time in making a decision. While some of these alternatives listed above can prove beneficial to some people, if the cataracts are developing too quickly it may be too late and surgery will give you the best outcome.

There is no need to worry about cataract surgery cost until you know if you even need the surgery and any cataract surgery F.A.Q.s can be answered quite easily by your doctor so do not be afraid to ask all the questions you want to ensure you really are getting the best care, the best outcome and the best approach for your eye health, whether you go for cataract surgery or more preventative measures.

Kate Dawson writes articles for Optegra, who are offering cataract surgery and many other eye procedures. The cataract surgery cost is explained, as are the symptoms that lead to surgery. In your consultation with Optegra, any cataract surgery questions you have will be answered.

A Complete Patient's Guide to the Lasik Procedure

The lasik eye surgery is considered one of the most popular refractive methods presently available to patients who are in need of a drastic vision correction procedure. The process of lasik surgery derived its name from "laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis" - LASIK and is deemed as a reliable operative option for severe visual conditions. Many patients opt for this procedure as opposed to other medical approaches due to the fact that it poses less discomfort during the post-operative convalescence. Moreover, compared to other procedures, this type of surgery offers quick and enduring results to patients.

Patients take comfort in the fact that the lasik procedure is a relatively simple medical approach. Using the instrument microkeratome, the operation involves the creation of a circular thin flap in the cornea. Upon completion of the flap, it is then tucked back out so as to make way for the corneal tissue removal through an excimer laser. The excimer laser is a lasik tool that employs ultraviolet light beam to accurately remove a minuscule amount of the corneal tissue which also known as ablates. This process then leads to the reshaping of the cornea hence allowing renewed visual precision.

Once the desired corneal shape is achieved, the flap is then tucked back in which eventually covers the spot where corneal tissue removal was achieved. After the lasik procedure, immediate results could be determined by both the patient and surgeon.

Before deciding to go through the lasik procedure, there are necessary preparations a patient should carry out. First and foremost, he or she must choose the best surgeon to do the job. Although this operation is now considered as a common medical procedure done by a large number of surgeons, it is still imperative that you end up with one who has all the essential skills and expertise to do the lasik surgery. Once you have chosen a surgeon, you would then be subjected to a preliminary eye examination which would determine whether you indeed require the lasik approach, or if you could still be responsive to other visual corrective options.

A patient scheduled for a lasik surgery should be well rested during the date of operation. Although the entire process takes less than five minutes, it is still imperative that a patient is in his or her utmost health during the procedure. Moreover, it is best to be accompanied by another person who could drive you back to your house after the surgery.

Once done with the procedure, it is highly crucial that a patient follow the surgeon's instruction to the letter. Most surgeons typically require their outpatients to go on a specified number of rest days so as to minimize the risk of eye overexertion or trauma.

Most of the patients who had gone through a laser eye procedure have shared their enthusiasm over the achieved result. Some are even fortunate enough to regain a 20/20 vision. With all of these positive responses to the lasik procedure, it is only fitting that the process be given enough importance and attention.

If you want to have lasing surgery done in Hawaii, please visit Lasik Eye Surgery Honolulu.

Optometrist Visits

How is your eyesight these days? Do you get a little blurry from looking at the computer screen for too long? It is important to get that checked out by visiting the optometrist.

The optometrist will keep your eyes in check with a regular maintenance check up on your eyes. They will do a series of tests that will tell you the condition of your eyes and if there is a problem spotted, how to keep it from getting worse or to make it go away completely.

A lot of the time people will tell their optometrist the problems and symptoms they are experiencing and the doctor will run specific tests to tell you whether you have complications or if it's just due to bad air in the season, bad diet and lack of sleep, or allergies.

The name Optometry comes from the Greek "optos" and "metron" which means "visible" and "measure". It was first used in the late 1800s as the name of doctors who are now trained and licensed to diagnose and treat disorders of the eye system. Over the years they have improved their tools and expertise significantly so they can catch all problems.

Your eyesight is so valuable that it is important to be proactive with your eye health. Maintaining your eyesight is one of the most important things that you can do for them to prevent losses. Choosing the best health care provider for you is imperative actually because they need to have the right training and experience to give you the proper diagnosis and treatments. They should be informative and promote the best possible outcome as well as guide your concerns in the right direction.

Eye doctors must have a solid set of credentials which is one indicator of a good health care provider. Make sure that the doctor has all the right training he or she needs to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases. That can help you decide which one in your area will be best for you. They need to have adequate accredited medical institution diplomas to best represent their knowledge of optometry.

The more experience an eye doctor has the better your visits are going to go. You will get better results from a doctor that has had more practice time. If they have been in the same city or region for their entire career that is fine as long as they have a hefty bulk of experience under their belt to provide the best service for you.

Silicone Enhanced Contact Lenses - What You Need To Know

The last 12 years have been a revolution in terms of contact lens materials. Adding silicone has allowed for over a 500% increase in the amount of oxygen passing through the lens to the cornea. Well over half of all new contact lens fits today are using these new materials. There are a few things you should know about this new generation of lens materials.

Silicone enhanced contact lenses can cause problems. The material tends towards higher stiffness than normal contact lenses and has different characteristics. There has been an increase in giant papillary conjunctivitis with the increased use of silicone in lenses. The increased rigidity of the material interacting with the eyelid margins probably causes this reaction. The contacts start to stick under the upper eyelid and slide up with blinking. There are small bumps that develop under the upper eyelid that create discomfort. This is a non infectious process driven by an autoimmune response. Eye drops are often used to quell the inflammation, but it makes much more sense to use one of the older generation of materials. Giant papillary conjunctivitis was common in the early days of contact lenses when the same pair of lenses were worn for several years. As time went by the proteins, oils, and other components in the tears build up on the lenses over time. At some point, the deposits on the lenses elicit an autoimmune response and giant papillary conjunctivitis occurs. After the first wave of extended wear contact lenses surface in the 1980's we started to see another increase in giant papillary conjunctivitis. These lenses also developed more deposits since they were being left in overnight and not cleaned daily. There may be a common component in all of these lenses of low grade irritation under the upper eye lid.
Another issue with silicone enhanced contact lenses is an apparent reaction to the lens material. Patients tend to get red eyes that are uncomfortable. The eye has more of an allergic appearance. It is currently not clear what the true cause of this phenomenon is due to but switching to an older contact lens material seems to make it go away.
The Third problem with silicone enhanced contact lenses is an interaction between the lenses and the solutions used to store them overnight. Some studies have found surface tissue damage accompanies common contact lens solutions, If you are fit into silicone enhanced soft contact lenses you should have your optometrist recommend a specific solution. Silicone blend contact lenses have some intrinsic problems in wetting. You need to follow the directions for contact lens solutions your eye doctor gives you. The way solutions are used may also help achieve higher comfort levels. Rubbing and rinsing lenses immediately after removal allows the solutions to increase wetting of the lens when you take it out in the morning. Washing your hands prior to handling lenses decreases the amount of oil and contaminants that may interfere with proper wetting of the contact lens surface.
All contact lenses trap materials between the lens and the cornea on the surface of the eyes. Metabolic waste products, toxins generated from bacteria that live around the eye, and tear components can all get temporarily stuck under the lens.This is probably why we still see serious eye infections occasionally when people sleep in their contact lenses. While this situation is not much different from what occurs in a normal soft contact lens, it means you do not see all of the expected benefits from such an improved lens technology.
It's not all bad! That 500% plus increase in air that passes through the lens to the cornea prevents premature aging of the cornea cells. Unlike older style contact lenses, the cornea cells maintain the same size and shapes that are present in young, healthy cells. There is almost no significant swelling of the tissue overnight (older extended wear contact lenses double swelling of the cornea overnight).
Water beads up on silicone surfaces. Since you need water to spread out into a nice tear film for comfort, these lens have enhanced technology to improve wetting. The result has been lenses that generally wet better and have higher comfort levels than anything we have had in past years.

There are a few more things to work out with this new generation of soft contact lenses but they are wonderful addition for today's contact lens patients who spends hours on the computer and have active outdoor lifestyles. Just remember, like everything else, occasionally older is better!

If you live in Northern Colorado and are interested in what a Fort Collins Optometrist specialist can do to help with your contact lens needs give us a call. If your have dry eyes that are gritty,sandy, burning and disrupting your life we are the expert dry eye contact lens practice in Northern Colorado. Relief is on its way when you contact our patient centered office.

Lasik Eye Surgery - Relief for Vision Problems

The slow loss of your vision can be a hugely depressing event. You really start to feel your age even if it starts to go when you are relatively young. Fortunately, there is an excellent chance that Lasik eye surgery can return your vision to normal.

What Is It?

Lasik eye surgery is a medical procedure in which a laser is used to fix physical problems in the eye structure. Lasik is actually an abbreviation for the medical name of the surgery which is "Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis". The procedure has become the single most popular vision correction surgery currently performed in the United States.

Refractive Surgery

Lasik eye surgery is a form of refractive surgery. This type of surgery focuses on reshaping the cornea element in the eye. The cornea is a round shaped, clear tissue located at the front of the eye. The goal of the surgery is to reshape the curvature of the cornea. In doing so, the images that pass through the cornea can be refocused onto the proper area of the back of the eye where the brain can process them through the optical nerve.

Vision Problems

When we develop vision problems, we don't all develop the same type of difficulties seeing. Some of us will have problems seeing things close to us while others will have problems seeing things farther way. The wonderful thing about Lasik eye surgery is that it is able to be used to treat any vision problem that arises from an issue with the cornea. This means it is a potential solution for issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and even presbyopia. Presbyopia refers to an age-related problem where your eyes lose the flexibility needed to change focus when looking at something close to you. Regardless, Lasik can produce excellent results when it comes to remedying these problems. The vision of the patient can be returned to 20/25 in eighty percent of the cases. This means you no longer have a need for glasses or contact lens - a happy day indeed!

The Process

The surgical process is surprisingly simple. Initially, you will go into the office to have your eyes examined as part of a consultation. From there, the physician will develop a plan for the surgical procedure and apprise you of the potential results. Once you choose to go forward with the surgery, you will return to the office at a preset time. You then simply walk back into the surgical room and take a seat. The physician will then ask you to look at some object on the far wall and tell him or her what you see. Since you have vision problems, usually you cannot see anything other than an indistinct, blurry object.

At this point, you lay down on the surgical platform. Your doctor will then numb your eyes with liquid anesthesia. They will then start to apply the laser in short bursts to the target areas of your cornea. The laser will actually remove tiny amounts of the cornea as it slowly reshapes it into the desired angle. Once the goal is reached, the doctor will repeat the process on the other eye.

The entire surgery will take between 10 and 15 minutes. You'll then be asked to sit up and look at the object on the far wall that you were unable to identify before the surgery. There will be instant gratification when you realize that you can not only see the object, but see the finest details of it. Congratulations, your vision is fixed.

For those of us who were forced to wear glasses or contact lens for years, Lasik eye surgery has been a medical miracle. The sheer joy of having clear vision again is something that simply cannot be underrated.

For information about LASIK surgery cost in Hawaii, visit Lasik Hawaii Cost.

What Are the Two Types of Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects the older generation and is one of the most common eye conditions in elderly people. It damages the yellow, oval macular of the eye (which allows you to see fine details) and can result in a complete loss of central vision. There are two main types of this eye disease, so let's find out more about each ailment.

The 'dry' type

The 'dry' type of age-related macular degeneration occurs when light-sensitive cells in the macular fail to work properly and can greatly affect vision. As the retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) which support the light sensitive photoreceptor cells break down, a loss of central vision can occur. This type of AMD usually develops over many years and tends to affect 80 per cent of those with the condition.

Many patients with the dry type of age-related macular degeneration will find that their vision deteriorates slowly. Symptoms may not be obvious in the early stages but central vision usually gets worse with time. Sufferers can find it hard to read small print or watch TV and might need more light to see objects clearly. As the condition progresses, a blind spot can develop in the middle of each eye, however, peripheral vision is rarely affected.

Both eyes are usually affected at the same time, but it is possible for one eye to be worse than the other, so discuss any abnormalities with your optometrist. An eye care specialist will look out for small, yellowish deposits known as drusen (which are an early sign of this disease) and will refer you to the hospital if they are worried. There is no cure for dry AMD; however, magnifying glasses and electronic devices can help you live your life to the full.

The 'wet' type

The 'wet' type of age-related macular degeneration occurs when new blood vessels on the retina leak very suddenly and can cause severe damage to your eyesight. It's a lot more serious than dry AMD and must be treated as a medical emergency. Always seek help if you experience sudden or gradual loss of your eyesight and don't put up with any pain or discomfort.

Your optometrist will use a special book to look for distortion of your central vision and will examine your retina (a collection of sensitive cells at the back of your eye). If they notice a problem you'll probably be referred to an eye care hospital where you'll receive professional help. Laser treatments can stop the vessels from leaking and innovative new injections can prevent your vision form worsening.

Book an eye test if you're suffering from blurred vision and protect your eyesight for the future.

Penelope Byrd is a freelance copywriter based in the UK. She specialises in medical journalism, in particular eye care. If you believe to be experiencing problems with your vision, visit your local opticians as soon as possible.

The Components of a Good Eye Cream in the Spotlight

For a lot of years many people had been having problems on their face, especially their eyes. Who would want to have those puffy eyes that seem to have just come out of crying? Who likes to wake up in the morning just to see dark circles around your eyes because of lack of sleep? Also, what good does it do to you to have wrinkles on the corners of your eyes? These things should be gotten rid of, and a lot of companies have already tried to come up with a product that solve theme efficiently.

There is one that succeeded because of its powerful ingredients that no other company has chosen to use all at once. Its unique combination consists of Matrixyl, Eyeliss, Haloxyl, Chrysin, and the revolutionary stem cell research to boost cell growth. Each one of these has a unique purpose and the overall result is eyes that look fresh and well-rested. If you are convinced about the powers of the best eye cream, then good for you. If in doubt, read below to know how exactly each component works.

Matrixyl, which you might have heard from wrinkle creams, works well in eliminating wrinkles. This primary component of the best eye cream reduces wrinkling and eventually removes it all. Crow's feet won't have to bother you anymore. Without wrinkles, you eyes will look livelier and younger.

Eyeliss is a revolutionary combination only found on the best eye cream. This is the secret ingredient that helps relieve puffy eye bags. These eye bags are brought about by water retention and through Eyeliss, the blockage would be gone in no time. No one will ever think that you were up all night doing additional work for the company.

As for Haloxyl and Chrysin, first Haloxyl, breaks down the blood that causes the dark circles and then Chrysin helps flush them out so that the darkening will be gone in no time. This duo is more effective than any other dark circle fighting product by 60%.

And last but not the least, stem cell research. Cell regeneration is important in making you look young. It achieves youthful face by making sure that your cells are regenerating properly. With younger cells, the skin looks younger. Older cells are replaced by younger cells so that you will have the fresh, youthful, wrinkle-free, puff-less, and evenly colored eye area. All that is given to you by only a single product, the best eye cream.

Mark A. Robbins is a senior editor in an online magazine that is updated every day to include only the freshest news and tips. His column includes critique of the best eye cream and how it can help you regain confidence.

How Soon Can I Wear Eye Makeup After Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts in its early development can cause blurred vision, nearsightedness or color blindness. If it goes without treatment and the cataract advances to covering up the lens of the eye, the person can go blind and cannot recover his or her vision unless subjected to cataract surgery. Generally, cataract surgeries are done on outpatient basis, meaning, the person with a cataract can get operated by an eye surgeon and in just few minutes cataract extraction is completed. The patient can rest for a couple of hours in the doctor's office and can go home after.

There are things that must be done in order for the operated eye to heal faster and heal successfully. Medicated eye drops, taking antibiotics and regular check-up with the doctor would be necessary. On the other hand, there are people who are asking how soon women can wear eye makeup after cataract surgery. Well the answer to this depends on the condition of the eye after surgery. Generally, the eye needs to be covered with sterile gauze after the surgery to prevent contamination and during this time no eye makeup should be used around the eye. After a day or two, the gauze can be removed but for a week the eye cover should be worn at night for assured protection.

Ask For Doctor's Advise

Some doctors agree that eye makeup should not be used until the eye has completely healed though putting on face makeup like face foundation or lipstick is not restricted. Also, with medicated eye drops that must be regularly applied, wearing eye makeup must be taken with precautions. However, women should still consult their eye surgeons prior to using eye makeup few days after their cataract surgeries because complications could still possibly happen. A call to the doctor's office won't hurt. The doctor may want to know the ingredients of the eye makeup if it is safe or can possibly cause allergic reactions to the healing iris of the eye.

On the one hand, we have known doctors to give consent to their women patients about putting on eye makeup two weeks after cataract surgeries while some doctors advise it must be after a month for a total makeup. Cataract removal can be done in two different methods. Either by ultrasound process in which a small machine "sonically" breaks the cataract's material or by mechanically breaking up the cloudy lens bit by bit until completely removed. Both processes can only take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Your Eye Makeup After Cataract Surgery

The sonic method which in technical term is known as "phacoemulsification" can cost more than the mechanical method but the healing process is much faster. Incision or the mechanical method, on the other hand is known as the "phacofracture" and with this method, there is the need for suturing the eye lens after an artificial lens is placed over the iris. This method is the old method, cheaper but healing may take longer.

So the question on how soon women can wear eye makeup after their eye surgeries depends on the condition of the eye after the surgical removal of the cataract. If the eye is completely healed, then there will be no problem whatsoever. If not, women must be careful because some eye makeup can contain ingredients that can irritate the eye so it is suggested that a consultation to the doctor is the best thing a woman can do before using eye makeup again.

Read more information about cataract eye surgery on my website for you to know what to do after cataract surgery.

Traits of Good Sunglasses

Eye problems are growing throughout the world due to the increasing amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that is reaching the atmosphere due to global warming. Eye specialists are recommending that people wear sunglasses to safeguard their eyes from harmful UV rays. Overexposure to UV rays can cause eye problems ranging from eye irritation to cataracts and even skin cancer.

It is very important to choose the sunglasses with lenses capable of blocking UV radiation effectively. (Remember, not all sunglasses block UV rays.)

Here are some of the most important features of good sunglasses to help you pick the right pair:

UV protection

A pair of high quality sunglasses will have UV protection details on its product label. There are different types of UV radiation, so let's pause for a moment and consider what this means. UVB rays are the main concern for eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, "Long-term exposure to UV radiation in sunlight is linked to eye disease. UVB radiation is considered more dangerous to eyes and skin than UVA radiation." UVA rays are the primary ones absorbed by your eyes. While they pose far less concern than UVB, doctors still recommend that they be avoided.

High quality sunglasses should block 99 to 100 percent of both UVA and UVB rays. Examine the UV protection details carefully to make sure you are getting the level of protection you desire and to avoid unnecessary regrets later.

Quality of lenses

There are different types of sunglass lenses with a wide range of functionality:

Blue-blocking lenses may provide extra protection to people with blue or light-colored eyes who may be particularly susceptible to macular damage by blue light.

Polarized lenses filter certain horizontal light waves, substantially reducing blinding glare and the resulting eyestrain.

Photochromic lenses automatically darken or lighten according to changing light intensities to protect your eyes in a wide range of conditions.

Polycarbonate lenses are impact-resistance and lightweight, with very good optical clarity.

Mirror-coated lenses can be great for many activities. Various coatings can repel water or resist scratches and fog

Each type of lens has its own unique functionality and capabilities. Hence it is important to check out the best sunglass lens for your needs to make sure you have the best possible visual clarity and comfort.

Frame design

Frames are almost as important as lenses. A tiny frame may not be able to protect the eye from UV rays entering from above and sideways. However, frames that are too large may be heavy and uncomfortable. Good quality sunglasses will have proper frames and lenses to offer complete protection, style, and comfort.

Mass Vision offers a wide variety of sunglasses. At Mass Vision, you will find the right combination of durable and affordable frames and lenses to protect your eyes while keeping you in style and comfort.

Domenic Masiello is the President of Mass Vision Wholesale Sunglasses. All information provided is based on Domenic's personal and business experience.

Laser Eye Treatment for Eye Color Adjustment

Do you envy Jessica Alba's dazzling blue eyes because you are stuck with lifeless chocolate-brown eyes?

You may get just that permanently in the future, thanks to recent studies conducted by US doctors.

The treatment, developed by Dr. Gregg Homer, involves the process of laser eye treatment interacting with the pigment of the iris. According to Dr. Homer, the operation removes the brown pigment off the iris by applying laser of a specific wavelength which "agitates the pigment on the surface of the iris." Because this effectively damages the tissue, there is a lasting change in the structure of the cells. A protein is released as a result of the body's expected reaction to this process, digesting the destroyed iris.

The iris will become darker as the inherent blue color appears during the digestion process after two weeks. This process can last for 5 weeks.

Cosmetic laser eye treatment like this is not as supported as other ophthalmologists because it involves the pigment of the iris, a part of the eye that plays a crucial part in a person's sight. The iris, just like a camera's aperture, opens up in dimmed light to allow more light pass through the eyes and closes when it is to intense to protect the eyes from high intensity light. If this inherent bed is thinned out, the inner structures of the eye may receive more glare and be affected by long-term effects of sun impairment. Widespread eye diseases such as cataract and macular degeneration are linked to long term UV or sun vulnerability.

According to Dr. Homer, this is not likely a glitch as the coloring changing procedure only affects the external most bed of the iris. The main part of the iris is left untouched.

Also, much like any procedure, a thorough pre-surgical test is essential. Post-surgery care involves a string of frequently conducted examinations at scheduled periods throughout the next 3 months. So far, no evidence of injury has been found.

The equipment, preparation, and thus public use of this innovational procedure is not expected to be accessible for another 18 months. Human testing is being performed, however, the large majority of trials have been done on cadavers in Mexico. Individuals with varying spectacle needs were specifically chosen and only a selected few have been tested with this laser eye treatment. The results are highly bright and so far, there are no detectable side effects.

To this day, human trials are still in progress and the procedure on laser eye treatment changing eye colors is promising but until all safety fears are addressed, it still won't be obtainable publicly. Increasing demand for colored and cosmetic contact lenses, in particular in the South Asian area, has increased greatly over the past 10 years. The predominant natural eye color is brown but a number of younger girls undergo been experimenting with blue, green and gray contact lenses to enhance their looks. Also available are contact lenses that make the eyes look bigger than natural. Permanently changing your eyes to a decent blue would be popular amongst this crowd.

Find out more about Laser Eye Treatment HQ - your source for the latest news and technologies on laser eye treatment, eye surgery, and more.

Hordeolum Surgery: What Happens When You Have a Stye Removed

Hordeolum surgery to remove a stye on a person's eyelid is often used as a last resort when other simpler techniques have failed.

Styes usually disappear on their own within a couple of weeks and in the vast majority of cases, styes can be got rid of sooner using a warm compress, which is simply a moist warm hand towel that is held against the eyelid for 5 minutes, multiple times a day. Failing that, antibiotics can be prescribed to help fight the infection.

If the stye persists and has been present for over a month, your doctor may suggest surgery to get rid of the cyst. Stye surgery can be a daunting prospect and it is often the 'not-knowing' that causes the most fear. So, in this article, I'd like to give you an idea of what can be expected when you go for a stye-removal operation.

The procedure is usually performed whilst you are sitting down, with your head tilted back slightly, although it can also be performed lying down.

Firstly, a local anesthetic is injected into the eyelid to numb the flesh and remove any feeling from the nerve endings. This is the only part of the process that may cause any discomfort - thereafter, you won't feel a thing. The discomfort of the injection is comparable to the discomfort you may feel at the dentist when your gums are anaesthetized prior to receiving dental work.

For infants, a general anaesthetic may be used to put them to sleep to prevent any sudden movements during the operation.

Once you have no feeling in your eyelid, the surgeon will begin the surgery to remove the stye.

A clip will be attached to your eyelid to keep it in place whilst the doctor is at work. This prevents any involuntary movement such as blinking. Although you won't feel the clip on your eyelid, its handle may be rested across your face.

An incision is then made with a scalpel across the diameter of the stye. This will produce some blood and pus, which you may notice running over your eyeball but will be regularly cleaned up by the doctor or a nurse during the procedure.

The lump is then removed and the wound is stitched up.

A temporary dressing applied to soak up any remaining blood and bodily fluids that may flow out of the wound. This dressing should be left in place for a number of hours following the operation to protect the wound from infection. Because it covers the whole of the eye, your will have to rely on your other eye for vision during this period.

Many doctors will ask you to remain in their waiting room for a period of time (usually around 30 minutes) after the operation. This is a standard precautionary measure following any operation and ensures that there are no unexpected after-effects.

Then you can leave and continue with your day-to-day routine.

As the anaesthetic wears off, you will begin to feel sore around your eye - this is perfectly normal following this procedure. When you remove the dressing, you may notice that you have bruising around your eye - again this perfectly normal after any tissue damage and your eyelid will heal in a week or two, leaving little or no visible scarring.

Very often, your doctor will send the removed stye to the laboratory for a biopsy. This is standard practice and is just a precautionary check.

My name's Danny and I suffered with chronic styes for around eight years. Consequently, I've tried and tested just about every stye remedy available and I've shared everything I know on the subject on my blog: How To Get Rid of a Stye

Understanding Color Blindness

Most of us are aware of the term "color blind", but its not always known that there are actually several different kinds of color vision deficiency. Further, the effect that eyeglasses and vision-correction utensils, in general, have on color vision deficient eyes is typically unknown. However, recent research actually reveals that the optical industry has developed new technology to help!

Firstly, the term color blindness is actually a bit misleading. Recently "color vision deficiency" is coming up more often in literature as the meaning is not an actual blindness, but instead: a failure to see color in general, or to be able to pick out differences in color under certain lighting conditions in which color vision isn't formerly hindered. Furthermore, there are different variations of color vision deficiency: monochromacy, dichromacy, and anomalous trichromacy. These three inherited or congenital deficiency types can then be broken down even further. The spectrum goes from fully color blind - or: monochromacy - to specific pigment loss. Additionally, males have a much higher chance of being color deficient than females. The X chromosome carries the gene that generates photopigments, therefore any optical problem would come from it. However, since females have two, they have a much higher probability that one of the X chromosomes will not have any problems, and therefore color blindness would be ruled out for them; as men only have one X chromosome, if its a optically problematic chromosome, they will be effected.

In recent years, with technology continuing to grow, special eyeglasses have actually been invented that can help correct some of the problems associated with it. There is some skepticism in regards to the color blindness-correction eyeglasses, however research is proving that they are in fact working. Of course further studies need to be conducted, however currently this could ideally be a helpful regulation for those suffering from the lack of color in their lives. The eyeglasses have special coatings placed on them - much like sunglasses - that can enhance certain pigments needed for the deficient eyes. They are in no way a cure for color vision deficiency; simply a tool that can help those effected use what they have to see the colors they are missing. At this time unfortunately they have been able to create these special eyeglass lenses that can aid to those who endure red-green color blindness. However, since roughly eighty percent of those suffering from some sort of lack of seeing color have red-green color blindness, it can significantly help for the time being.

Not everyone has picked up on the trend of fixing color blindness vision-correction with their prescription eyeglasses. However, if you have any additional problems with your eyes, you certainly should still invest in a good pair of glasses. So, whether you need your eyeglass lenses to fix simply a vision distortion or color vision deficiency, try to stay as up-to-date as possible on your needs. You only have one pair of eyes, so take good care of them!

Hillary Glaser is the Director of Marketing and Special Projects - the easiest way to buy glasses online. She over sees day-to-day operations for all marketing and promotions of eyeglasses for the company.