How to Tell if Your Contact Lenses Are Ready to Be Changed

 Contact lenses need to be right side up to fit correctly in the eye. Hard plastic contact lenses date back to 1936, yet consumers have largely replaced wearing them with soft contact lenses. Soft contact lenses have been available commercially since 1971. They are more comfortable than hard contact lenses, given that they are made of thinner, more pliable material. The main issues with wearing hard or soft contact lenses are dryness, cleanliness and slippage.

Difficulty:Moderately Easy1
Contact lensesContact lens solution
Rub the contact lenses with all-purpose cleaner.
Using one hand to hold the upper eyelid open and the other hand to pull down the lower portion of the eye, place a contact lens in each eye.
Blink a few times to gauge whether the contacts are settling properly.
Wait a few minutes and focus your sight once the contact lenses have settled.
Dryness in the eye or pain in any area of the eyeball that the contact covers is an indication that the contact lens should be replaced.
Discomfort in the eye or inability to focus could indicate that you have the contact lens on inside out. To check, remove the contact and put it on your finger. If you get dust or dirt particles in your contact lenses, clean them rather than replace them.
You must replace any ripped or torn contact lenses immediately.


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