How to Correct Astigmatism

When people experience blurred vision, it is possible that they have astigmatism. This happens when the cornea has an irregular curve that causes the blurred and distorted images. It affects people at varying severity, and also happens with near sightedness or far sightedness. Although it can be inherited and possible present since birth, many people will not be aware for many years that they are already suffering from these eye conditions. There are several symptoms to find out whether one has astigmatism or not, it is just a matter of being able to recognize them. One method of treating it is by undergoing LASIK eye surgery in order to smoothen the cornea to as close as possible to its deal natural curve.

In order to find out whether a person is suffering from this disorder, it is necessary to find out about the various symptoms. The most apparent symptom is a hazy and blurry vision. Although a blurred vision is also a symptom for several other disorders of the eye, people who are suffering from astigmatism will still be blurry despite taking a closer look. In addition, the individual will also experience consistent headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and eyestrain. Some even have a difficulty in concentrating on a certain object. If anyone recognizes any of these symptoms, it is necessary that the individuals consult an ophthalmologist immediately so as to find out right away if he or she is indeed suffering from astigmatism.
Most of the cases are genetic or hereditary. It means that having this condition may run in the family. Another cause of astigmatism is when people spend a lot of time in front of the computer because of their work. People whose nature of work involves strenuous use of eyesight such as embroidery are also more prone to develop this eye disorder. Even an improper posture can also cause too much pressure on the cornea of the eye which affects the curve after a long period of time.
The treatment of astigmatism varies based on how severe the condition is. Most of the time, the degree of damage is very mild and it can be easily treated by using corrective eye glasses or lenses. Toric lenses are specifically built for treating astigmatism and the optometrist will be in the right position to pick the most appropriate kind of lenses for every patient. This is of course done after undergoing a series of tests.
However, for severe cases of astigmatism, there may be a need for patients to undergo surgery. Here, the surgeon restores the normal curved shape of the cornea. One of the most popular types of eye surgery, LASIK surgery, is a fast and extremely convenient way to treat astigmatism. This procedure will not require the patient to stay in the hospital overnight. After the surgical procedure, the surgeon will prescribe drops in order to minimize infection in the eye. The vision of the person will greatly improve after a little over a month after the surgery. There are also very minimal risks that this procedure involves.
Many people at present have already turned to surgery in order to improve the quality of their lives with a better vision. It also prevents them from using eyeglasses, especially if they live an active lifestyle or if they are into sports. If astigmatism and other eye conditions prevented them from appreciating and enjoying life, there are now several options to consider in order to enjoy life more. LASIK eye surgery and many other procedures can be the best option that a person can have to improve their vision.
It is always best to consult with a doctor as soon as possible in order to find out right away whether one is suffering from astigmatism or not. Prevention is always better than cure, and if one is already diagnosed with the condition, catching it early can save a lot of money and trouble.
Kate Dawson writes articles for Immaculate about one of the most popular eye specialist centres in the UK. With some of the best doctors in the industry, they can treat and cure various eye conditions, including astigmatism. LASIK eye surgery is one of the most common and popular services on offer.


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