The Top Five Reasons To Wear Contact Lenses

While most will wear glasses because they are easy to find, fashionable, and simple, glasses have their definite drawbacks that wearers would not encounter with contact lenses.

5. Contacts allow the wearer to have a form of eye correction that is much easier to manage. Glasses fog up when they encounter the wrong weather or temperature. Glasses also need to be adjusted, nose pieces need to be replaced and adjusted, screws need to be tightened, and lenses have to be cleaned constantly. Simply maintaining a pair of glasses can easily become a part time job. Lenses, on the other hand, simply rest on the surface of the eye and provide clear vision all day long. They are easily cleaned once per day and that is all. It's that simple.

4. As fashionable as designer glasses might be, contact lenses offer everyone around the wearer a clear look at the wearer for the first time. Glasses can get in the way of the natural bone structure and features of a person, this can alter their appearance slightly. Contacts can help anyone go from geek to chic in no time. Plus, they are far more comfortable on your eyes and ears.

3. As another component of one's fashion, contact lenses allow anyone to wear the sunglasses that they like. It's much easier to find a pair of sunglasses that compliments an outfit when one's first concern is not whether they are prescription or not. Not only are prescription sunglasses hard to find in good styles, they are just as expensive as the sunglasses you already wear. Who wants to shell out twice as much money just because the sun came out today? Contacts keep sunglasses costs to a minimum, they allow for any sunglasses choice you like.

2. Lenses also come with another wonderful money-saving feature. Most people who wear contact lenses have multiple pairs. Whereas glasses can be broken without a replacement, contact lenses can be easily replaced from one of the many pairs that are received. The cost of replacement is simply a trip to your spare set. A spare pair of glasses is simply too expensive for most people. A spare pair of contact lenses is much less expensive and much more practical to carry around or travel with.

1. Anyone who enjoys sports or outdoor activities will agree that it's hard to think about playing a game when they are worried about their glasses being broken by a stray ball or a fall on the hiking trail. Contact lenses allow the wearer a chance to participate in sports and outdoor activities without the fear of breaking or damaging their glasses. It's a much safer form of eye correction that is much easier to manage and replace if something were to happen.

No matter the situation, contact lenses are the optimal choice for anyone who needs prescription lenses.

Make the switch to contact lenses today and notice the boost in confidence.


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