Improving Eye Health With Eye Exercises

Vision problems are extremely common complaints. Poor lighting, constant staring at computer screens and other strains contribute to people suffering from imperfect vision. Of course, vision problems are not new problems and there have been innumerable people who have tried to explain why vision degrades. Many of these people have also tried to create methods by which people could improve their vision and help prevent further worsening of their vision. A popular method is eye exercises, especially those created by William Horatio Bates in the late 1800's.

The Bates Method

William Bates was an ardent believer that vision problems were the result of strain on the eyes. He felt that glasses were a crutch that were not only unnecessary in any situation but could be harmful, increasing the strain on the eyes and further damaging the person's vision. Bates also believed that much of the strain was physiological. That is, that the eyeball actually changed in shape when attempting to focus on something, and that this change, when forced to be dramatic, caused strain. Bates eye exercises intended to strengthen the muscles, making these changes in shape less drastic and thereby reducing the strain they caused. Bates also felt that exposure to sunlight would relieve the constant strain and improve vision.

One of the Bates eye exercises meant to reduce strain was referred to as "palming". During this process patients were encouraged to close their eyes for several minutes and relax. By covering the eyes with the palms of their hands, without pressing, the relaxation was deepened and the strain released. Bates believed that any of the natural colors or lights experienced when a person closed his eyes was caused by eye strain. He believed that if the patient was truly relaxed he would see intense blackness and strain would disappear.

Another of the Bates eye exercises that was meant to improve vision was visualization. By visualizing blackness, Bates asserted, a patient could improve not only his imagination but his actual vision as well.

Lazy Eyes

One type of complaint is amblyopia, or more commonly, lazy eye. This means that one eye does not effectively communicate with the brain. It often does not cooperate to create full sight, and sometimes "wanders" or appears to move around by itself. Exercises can be effective in not only correcting the appearance, but also restoring the cooperation between both eyes and communication to the brain.

One of the most common, and arguably most effective, lazy eye exercises is actually not a real "exercise" at all. Rather, it involves covering the healthy eye with a patch that totally removes all sight from that eye. The lazy eye is then forced to communicate with the brain, working harder to see and remain focuses. This is what is considered the "exercise". When done regularly, wearing an eye patch can correct the amblyopia and allow both eyes to work together to improve vision and prevent future worsening of the condition.

For more information about Bates eye exercise and lazy eye exercises visit our website


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